
Myrtle Beach condo | Jerry Pinkas Real Estate Experts | condos in Myrtle Beach

2014-07-10 13 Dailymotion

http://myrtlebeach-condosforsale.com/ | Myrtle Beach condo | Jerry Pinkas Real Estate Experts | condos in Myrtle Beach | 843-839-9870

4 Aspects To Focus On When Selling Your Myrtle Beach Condo

In the real estate industry, most professionals will agree that selling your Myrtle Beach condo is different from selling an average house or any other real estate property. This type of selling transaction involves more steps and processes.

To ensure that selling your Myrtle Beach condo will be successful and that you will gain financial benefit from it, here are the top 4 aspects you will need to focus on:

Special assessments in condo fees

Confirm with your condo building's board of directors any special assessments levied or to be levied on your unit. Make note of the date when the levy was made or will be completed. Inquire about any planned increases in the condo fees in the coming future. You will need to inform potential buyers about all these details.

Occupancy restrictions

Another important information that your buyers should know about are all the occupancy restrictions. These include whether or not pets are allowed inside the building, whether or not renting to students are allowed, whether or not a unit can be used as a business office, and many others. You should inform potential buyers about any restrictions that the condo association implements regarding occupancy. This will clarify any misunderstandings between you and the buyer and, thus, will ensure smooth transaction.

Unit maintenance and repairs

Before listing your Myrtle Beach condo for sale, find out what types of repairs it needs and confirm with your condo building association if it's included in their responsibilities. You see, some condo building associations should the expense on maintenance and repairs of each unit. Others only pay for roof maintenance while others still include maintenance and repairs of the unit's windows and doors. Confirm what types of repairs your condo building association is responsible of. Use this information to set your asking price. You would also want to pass this information to your potential buyers so they will know how to maintain the condo unit.

Hiring a real estate agent

The best way to ensure a successful transaction is to hire a real estate agent with experience in selling condos. If possible, find one who has experience selling -- and has successfully sold -- condo units similar to what you are selling. A real estate agent will help you get all the information you need to sell a condo and to find potential buyers who will take good care of your condo unit.
Call Jerry Pinkas Real Estate Experts now and find highly experienced real estate agents to help you sell your Myrtle Beach condo.

Jerry Pinkas Real Estate Experts
604 N. 27th Ave
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577


Helping you sell your Myrtle Beach condo successfully.
